Organisational Structure
The highest policy making body of SPEED is the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) with two representatives from GTZ, two from DANIDA/Danish embassy and two from the Government of Ghana (one from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, one from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning). The Programme Director of SPEED and the Technical Director BDS are non-voting members of the Programme Steering Committee.
The Programme Steering Committee approves Inception Reports, Overall and Annual Work Plans, Operations and Technical Manuals, technical proposals forwarded by the two components and decide on any other matters beyond the authority of the SPEED programme management. Further they monitor or supervise the progress of the two components and review quarterly financial reports, annual progress and final programme reports.
A similar organisational structure applies to the SPEED Funding Facility which operates as a separate legal entity in the form of a company limited by guarantee.
This project is been implemented by GOPA who is in charge of the management.